About Us

Work and Learn Indiana is a program of the Institute for Workforce Excellence, a 501(c)3 subsidiary of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. The program links employers, learners, high schools, colleges and universities. It is a dynamic, searchable database, matching and reporting system that also provides resources and guidance on work-based learning opportunities. The goal is to help create or expand high-quality experiential opportunities within Indiana.

Originally formed as Indiana INTERNnet in 2001, it was the solution to a series of Indiana Chamber-led studies that demonstrated the state's "brain drain" issue. The Greater Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce initiated and operated the program in partnership with the University of Indianapolis. With continued funding from the Lilly Endowment, the organization was granted 501(c)3 tax exempt status in May 2004 and moved to the Indiana Chamber, the state's largest business advocacy organization, where it rebranded to Work and Learn Indiana in 2021.

How We Help

We help Indiana employers and community partners develop and retain Hoosier talent through relevant work-and-learn experiences that drive a highly skilled and equitable workforce.


We are the catalyst for expanding the creation and execution of experiential learning opportunities as a key strategy in retaining Indiana's top talent.


Everyone living in Indiana who wants a high-quality work-and-learn experience will be matched with a Hoosier host employer.

Our Drivers

  • Career-Connected: We support Indiana's largest statewide marketplace of work-and-learn opportunities for Hoosiers and employers that promote talent development and career advancement.
  • Employer-Driven: We help Indiana employers build high-quality work-and-learn programs that strengthen talent pipelines and skill up our Hoosier workforce.
  • Equity-Focused: We promote talent diversity with targeted support to help working-age Hoosiers - from high school and college students to career-changing adults - advance and grow their professional network.

Meet Our Team

Caitlyn Beck

Caitlyn Beck

Talent and Training Communications Manager

Caitlyn joined Work and Learn Indiana in August 2018. She obtained her bachelor's degree in strategic communications with a specialization in public relations from Butler University. Previously interning with multiple local organizations, she experienced the importance of internships firsthand. Caitlyn provides web site support, monitors key metrics for funders and partners, and manages social media, communications, and marketing.

Sally Saydshoev

Sally Saydshoev

Assistant Director, Talent and Training Programming

Sally joined Work and Learn Indiana in August 2021. Sally pursued her bachelor's degree in general studies with a focus in business administration, interpersonal relations, and sociology. Once she finished her bachelor's, she pursued her master's in college student affairs at Eastern Illinois University. While completing her master's, she completed two internships at various diverse institutions which opened the doors to her obtaining a full-time position after graduate school. Sally is responsible for supporting all educators in the development of work-based learning programs, advancement of employer relations, and recruitment of students towards successful experiential learning participation.

Contact Us

Work-Based Learning Benefits Talent, Employers and Educational Institutions

Work-based learning experiences offer career exploration and skills application for learners and provide employers with workers who are creative, enthusiastic, able to assist with projects and open for mentorship. Overall, experiential learning is mutually beneficial to employers, learners and schools.


Work and Learn Indiana connects you with thousands of Indiana organizations across the state. We're currently showcasing 74 work-based learning experiences. No matter what your career interests are, Work and Learn Indiana makes it easy to search and apply for work-based learning opportunities all in one place.


Looking to fill your talent pipeline? Work and Learn Indiana has more than 3,500 Indiana learners looking for work-based learning experiences. Our site matches your requirements with those of a learner looking for a work-based learning opportunity. But don't just post your position and hope the perfect candidate finds you - you can search our site for talent too!


As teachers, professors, guidance counselors, work-based learning coordinators and career services personnel, you know experiential learning is mutually beneficial to employers, students and schools. With our Indiana-focused work-based learning network, students can contribute their talents to the Indiana workforce. Together, Indiana schools and employers can work to significantly increase talent retention.
