Unity Gardens Internship

Opportunity is EARN Indiana eligible

Last Updated:May 10th, 2024

Unity Gardens Inc.

Unity Gardens Internship

Type: In Person
Location: South Bend
Application Due Date: Apr. 15, 2024
Starts: May. 1, 2024
Structure: Standard
Full Time
Part Time



Interns will have direct contact with those who come to the gardens, whether they be volunteer groups, harvesters, civic leaders, or program participants. The garden is a shared community space where people from all socioeconomic backgrounds, religions, and cultures can come together. As such, respect for differing backgrounds is of utmost importance at this community space. 

SUPERVISION: Interns will have an orientation to familiarize themselves with the campus, mission, and staff at Unity Gardens within their first week and will have access to an Intern Manual that will serve as a resource throughout the summer. Throughout their internship, interns will gain knowledge of sustainable agriculture, community outreach, nonprofit work, and have the opportunity to take on projects within their areas of interest. 

WORKPLACE DESCRIPTION: The flagship garden is designed as a garden-park with fruit trees, berries, bees, chickens, goats, and vegetable and native flower gardens. Solar panels power the electricity, mulch and compost power the plants, and hoop houses allowyear-round growing in the Market Garden. Our wonderful staff, interns, and volunteers are the valued powerhouses that keep this radical free-food model growing. We recently also installed a geodesic dome for more tropical growing. 

DATE PREFERENCE/PREFERRED WORK SCHEDULE: Anything you feel comfortable working outside in, close toed shoes required, tetanus shot recommended. Interns will also receive a Unity Gardens shirt for community outreach events.



Interns will primarily help take care of these growing spaces and learn about their management in the process.

Community Outreach: 

Throughout the year, we also provide free classes on nutrition, food preservation and preparation, sustainable gardening, attracting beneficial insects, managing pests, and other sustainability topics like mindful foraging and rainwater capture. Last year, we began our “Edgy Veggie” program, which is a bus that serves as a mobile classroom focused on kids’ education. We take it to community centers, summer camps, and schools throughout the summer to connect kids with fresh food, nature, and gardening. Interns are encouraged to help plan and carry out programming for the Edgy Veggie mobile classroom in the community. We also have a number of individuals and groups that volunteer at the garden, and part of the internship is leading these volunteer groups while simultaneously teaching these volunteers about our mission, sustainable agriculture, and the joy of green space. 

Farmers Market:

Because Unity works in a broad scope of areas, interns can also take part in other programs at Unity Gardens if they would like. Interns have the opportunity to teach a free class over the summer (on topics ranging from gardening, sustainability, cooking, nutrition etc) and to take a bigger role in developing the curriculum for our Edgy Veggie program. We repaint signs, benches, and tables in the garden every year, and interns can take a leading role in that as well. Interns can also improve our social media presence, conduct environmental or social science research at our site, fundraise, or connect with our satellite garden locations. 



Proficiency in Spanish is not required, but helpful

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