Tag Archives: Alumni

Alumni Relations & University Career Services: The Perfect Match

“So, what are your plans after graduation?”

This is easily one of the most dreaded questions college graduates try to avoid answering once they walk across that stage and finally receive their diploma. After four (perhaps more) years of grueling hard work, packed extracurricular schedules, exams and a few parties here and there, graduates are expected to jump into the job market and pursue their passions they developed on campus. But finding an answer to that question doesn’t have to be worrisome. It can be quite exciting and fulfilling! Take it from me.

The best resource I found that helped me answer this question was right there under my nose. Thanks to the IU Career Development Center on campus, they served as a supportive portal for students of every major. Their recourses stretch across numerous services including career advising, facilitating internship and job fairs, tips on cover letter and …

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The Alumni Networking Solution

This is a guest blog on tips to connecting during a job search by John Muscarello, Founder and CEO of Start Networking Today.

Looking for an excuse to spend even more time on social media?

LinkedIn has proven to be a great professional networking tool. According Jobvite, “Employees hired through referral are hired 55% faster than those who come from a career site.”

I have personally used The Alumni Networking Solution to find leads and get interviews that lead to job offers.

What exactly is The Alumni Networking Solution?

The Alumni Networking Solution is a 5-step networking tool designed to introduce yourself to college alumni and develop relationships that lead to referrals. This means actually getting to know the person- and asking for his or her advice, instead of a job. I used these five simple steps – in about 10 minutes per connection – to find …

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