Tag Archives: Ashley Hager

Intern lets her personality shine

Ashley Hager is a fall intern with Milliner & Associates, a staffing and recruiting agency for accounting, finance, HR and administrative employment positions.

In October, I attended the Indiana Means Business Career Fair. It seemed like a normal career fair with students, alumni and employers. It was a unique experience for me, though.

I had the pleasure of attending as an employer and as a student. I got to see how it operated on both ends of the spectrum. I must say, it was extremely interesting and I learned a lot.

I have been to a career fair before, solely as a student. I have been the nervous college kid walking up to an employer, not quite knowing what to say or how to act.

This time, I got to be the employer that nervous college kids approach. I was nervous at first myself, but I was passionate about …

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Internship allows student to experience ‘gray area’

Ashley Hager is a fall intern with Milliner & Associates, a staffing and recruiting agency for accounting, finance, HR and administrative employment positions.

What thoughts come to mind when you think about the word “internship”?

Are they positive, negative or somewhere in between? I never really had an opinion about them. My professors kept saying how important they were, but I just couldn’t see the value at the time. Now, I’m disappointed I waited until my senior year to even start applying for an internship, but there’s no point in regretting the past. I can only change the future.

I started applying for internships knowing that they were extremely important and that I needed one to put on my rĂ©sumĂ©. I knew I would gain experience and knowledge, but I had no idea to what extent. My time here at Milliner & Associates is unlike anything I could have imagined. …

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