Tag Archives: Communication

Keeping the Communication Lines Open After the Internship

Entry by Ashley Cashen, Talent Acquisition and Retention Coordinator, digitalKnowledge

Once your company’s internship ends, it’s important to make sure the communication does not end with it.  Hopefully at the end of an internship, both a company and its intern are parting ways with a positive experience to look back on.  And if everything goes as planned, both that company and the intern will want to work together in the future. 

Most interns still have one, maybe even two or three, years of school left before entering the “real world.”  So a company can go from communicating with their intern on a daily basis to not speaking to them for a year.  But, a lot of things can happen in that last year of school – your intern may attend career fairs, have job interviews, and meet potential employers.  How are you going to continue to stick …

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