Tag Archives: decision making

Decisions, Decisions, Decisionsā€¦

Should I get a part-time job? Should I go to the gym this morning, or just skip it and have pizza for lunch? Well, since I have a test tomorrow, maybe I should go to the library. But it looks way too nice outside to stay indoors. Should I start looking into graduate schools? Ugh! Decisions, decisions, decisionsā€¦

If youā€™re anything like me, then this is a typical day in your life. Letā€™s face it ā€“ every day we encounter choices in our lives. From the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep, weā€™ve already made hundreds of decisions throughout the day. Some are conscious and intentional, like choosing outfits, deciding what to eat and when to walk the dog. Other decisions are made subconsciously and automatic, much like how our brain solves problems and processes memories from the day during our sleep and dream cycles. …

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