Tag Archives: end of internship

Thank You Notes at the End of Your Internship: Dos and Don’ts

An internship is often a student’s first foray into the professional world. Your internship is a big opportunity to make a great impression and gain professional connections. This means you’ll need to follow professional etiquette during your experience. Of course you’ll make some mistakes here and there, which is expected in your first professional experience. But even if you haven’t been paying attention to your etiquette during your internship, always make sure you at least do one thing: write a thank you note at the end!

Thank you notes might seem tedious, but they’re necessary. Your employer took a chance on you, hired you, and gave you real-world experience! A thank you note ensures you go out on a good note, and makes a lasting impression. If you already had your last day at your internship, that’s okay! Mail your note to your employer or supervisor.

Do: Write a sincere …

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The Gift Guide: Gifts for Your Intern

Interns actually have a pretty stressful job! They’re navigating what’s usually their first experience in their desired career. There’s a lot of pressure to do well, and once they’re approaching the end of their internship it might feel a little awkward for the both of you! But instead of letting things peter out on a halfhearted note, use one of these gifts for your intern to tell them thank you! If you have an unpaid intern, I would seriously recommend giving them a gift. Not only did they use valuable time to work for you, they did it without pay!

I feel as though gifts for your intern are easier than giving gifts to a coworker or boss. They’re just starting out on their own, and don’t have a lot, especially if they’re unpaid!

Gifts for Your Intern 1. When you want to get them something useful, but not completely …

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Preparing for the End of Your Internship: Takeaways from the Indiana State Fair Event

Last Friday, the Indiana INTERNnet team joined over 50 interns at the Indiana State Fairgrounds for another summer intern engagement event.

Attendees played a round of trivia for a chance to win donated prizes ā€“ it was the perfect way to make sure everyone was wide awake and engaged. After buzzing in for questions about Indianapolis, Indiana and the State Fair, the interns were fired up and ready for the morningā€™s career development session.

Samantha Martin, assistant director of the Ball State University Career Center, was eager to take the floor and keep up the energy in the room. To start, she had participants split into groups for a unique networking game where everyone was asked to make a chain of facts that each of their internships had in common. The winning team took home ā€œFair Bucksā€ and Crew Car Wash coupons for connecting 66 facts into a story about …

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