Tag Archives: Final exams

Tips for Surviving Finals Week

For many students, finals week is either here or rapidly approaching. It’s easy to get stressed and overwhelmed with finals. You have an entire semester’s worth of work coming together into one exam or project. No pressure, right? But don’t worry. You can handle it! Here are a few tips for surviving finals week.

Study Groups

It might sound obvious, but utilizing study groups can really benefit you! It gives you the opportunity to go over concepts you may not understand. It’s always helpful to have a few other people around so you don’t feel isolated. But make sure you’re contributing to the group as well. You don’t want to show up without knowing anything and just use your fellow classmates for their knowledge. That just makes them resent you. A great way to participate in a study group is by pretending to teach concepts from the class. It helps …

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Finals: Setting Yourself Up For Success

We’re nearly at the end of November. If you’re in school, that means one of the most dreaded times of the year is coming up: finals week. You still have some time to set yourself up for success, and take it from me, you want to start now instead of procrastinating. So, what can you do to make sure your finals go smoothly?

Start preparing early.

You’ve probably heard it a million times, but it still rings true: start preparing for finals now instead of a few days before your exams. It’s so much easier to retain information when studying at a normal pace. Create a study schedule and stick to it! This makes studying far more approachable than trying to tackle everything at once.

How much are your finals worth?

As bad as it sounds, it isn’t worth it to study just as hard for a final that’s worth …

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Winter Finals Are Coming

It’s beginning to feel a lot like winter, and finals are coming. Since you don’t have dragons like Daenerys Targaryen, you’ll have to slay those exams on your own. Fear not, my friends, we have excellent tips to help you survive winter finals.


Prepare for Battle
Gather all of your class notes and study material and actually review it. If your professor provides a study guide, use it as a tool to map out your studies. You should schedule a few times for studying the week before the exam to prevent cramming it in the night before. Find a quiet spot in the library to study alone, or form a study group to divide and conquer the material.


Ask Questions
If you are struggling with a concept or think your notes might be incorrect, ask your professor or a fellow student. Some professors will …

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Relax During Winter Break

As final papers, projects, exams and fall internships come to an end, students are left feeling an odd combination of relief and exhaustion. Take time during winter break to relax and decompress. Here’s a list of some soothing activities to leave you feeling recharged and ready for the spring semester:

1. Catch up with family and friends
If you go back to your hometown during winter break, plan an activity to catch up with old friends. Spend time baking with your grandparents, or catch a movie with your siblings. It can be difficult to coordinate plans between breaks, so savor the time you have at home.

2. Read a book
Find a cozy spot, grab some hot cocoa and read something that isn’t required for class. The New York Times compiled a list of the top 10 books from 2016

3. Sleep
After I finished my finals, …

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Football and Final Exams: GIFs Edition

Autumn brings many things, but more importantly it brings college final-exams and football games. While the connection between college students and NFL players may seem stretched, both feel the pressure to perform their best and succeed. NFL players are portrayed as aggressive and mean, however there are many other emotions they experience that college students can relate to their upcoming final exams.


Preparing for Finals

College exams sneaking up on you, like:

Don’t let your final exams hit you in the face (so-to-speak) like this NFL player. Pay attention to the dates in your class syllabi and plan ahead. By scheduling time to study weeks before your exam, you’ll be more prepared and score those extra points on the test.

When you try to form a study group with your classmates, and it doesn’t go well.

When they work, study groups are a great way …

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