Tag Archives: flu

How to Handle Allergy, Cold and Flu Season

“Winter is coming.” A phrase that strikes fear into the hearts of many. Not just because it means something major is impending on Game of Thrones, but because it means the time for getting sick is upon us. Whether it’s just getting a common cold, or something major like the flu, ‘tis the season of sickness. Here’s how to navigate life during what’s sure to be a tiring time!

Utilize preventative measures.

The easiest way to handle getting sick is using preventative tactics. Get your flu shot, not just for your sake, but for everyone else’s! If you skipped your shot, it doesn’t mean you didn’t get someone else sick. Don’t want to stop by your doctor to get the flu shot? Go to Target. It sounds weird, but the MinuteClinics inside Target stores are doing free flu shots AND they give you a $5 Target coupon! In addition to …

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