Tag Archives: follow-ups

Don’t forget to say thank you

Small details make a big difference.

If there is one place this holds especially true itโ€™s during a job or internship search. Landing an interview may seem like half the battle, but your job as a potential hire is far from over once you leave the office. A recent Forbes article (onforb.es/1nMGfpt) provides tips for a thoughtful follow-up that will separate you from other job candidates.

Thank everyone who interviewed you individually. Be sure to make each follow-up original, as they may share them with each other. The initial thank you should be handwritten, though any additional questions can be sent via email. Pay close attention and take good notes during the interview, as these will come in handy when writing your follow-up. Talk about anecdotes or conversations from the interview. Not only does this show that you paid attention, but it can be a subtle way to remind them …

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