Tag Archives: Intern networking

Networking at Night

Most networking events are held during typical working hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). However, there are the occasional evening events. While some events may be more casual than others, it’s important to maintain a professional demeanor at all times. Check out these helpful tips for how to rock the room and make connections.


Cards for Contacts

Make sure you bring plenty of business cards, and can easily grab it out of your pocket or purse. You don’t want to be fumbling around in your jacket, or throwing things out of your purse to find a card. The business cards that you collect should also be put in an appropriate place.

Pro tip: Bring a pen to write notes about the conversations you had with people. If you don’t have a small notepad, you can write on the back of their business cards. Your phone is also a great …

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Networking. Networking. Networking.

Hattie Hynes is a Recruiting/HR Marketing Intern with Milliner & Associates. She will graduate from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business in 2019.

As a business student, this work has been nailed into my head about 1,000 times.

“In order to get a good job, you have to network!”

“It’s super competitive out there, you need to get connections!”

Most of my friends have non-business majors and I’m often asked by them what the deal with business students and networking is—-“It’s like your solution to everything. Are you hungry? Go out and network.” (This is a real quote).

It became a recurring joke. “Hey business student, are you networking?”

Prompted by the relentless heckling I got from my friends, I set out to find answers. Why do business people focus so much on networking, and why do business schools hammer it into our heads? According to a survey by The …

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