Tag Archives: interns

Summertime brings new Indiana INTERNnet intern

As we begin to finally thaw out from what seemed like the longest and coldest winter, signs of spring and summer are everywhere. The trees are green, the air is fresh and the pollen count is high.

With these new beginnings comes a new season of summer interns, including myself. Now that my first days as Indiana INTERNnet’s Marketing and Special Events Intern is under my belt, I am ready for the learning experiences that await me this summer.

Having just finished my junior year at Indiana University in Bloomington, I am excited to return home to Indianapolis for the summer to continue the learning process. My previous internships in marketing and public relations at home in Indianapolis and abroad in London helped greatly strengthen my workplace experience, and I know those experiences will only grow during …

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United Way Team NFL Interns Impacting Education

Indiana University senior, Tim Klawitter, tells of his experience as a student manager and how United Way team NFL interns are impacting education. Tim is specializing in sports communication, business and journalism. He will be graduating in December and is presently searching for a full-time position. As a a student manager for the Indiana Football team and a United Way TEAM NFL Intern, Tim promotes the civic efforts of Virgil Green of the Denver Broncos and Antoine Bethea of the Indianapolis Colts via digital marketing and social media. You can connect with Tim via both Twitter and Instagram.

In today’s fast-paced, results-driven world, it’s easy to get caught up in our to-do lists and forget about taking a second to give back. We focus on tasks that will benefit ourselves and spend our days consuming rather than making a difference and bettering the world we live in.

Not too …

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Looking Back at Last Year’s IMPACT Awards Winners

As fall internships are in high gear, we want to remind you of an opportunity to recognize the rock star you had the pleasure of working with this past year. Whether it’s the intern who exceeded your expectations or the employer or career coach who’s served as a great role model, we want to hear your success stories!

Indiana INTERNnet would like to recognize these overachievers at the annual IMPACT Awards luncheon which will be held on Feb. 5, 2014, at the Ivy Tech Culinary Center Ballroom. We are now seeking nominations for these awards (Deadline: Oct. 22). More information on the IMPACT Awards is available here.

Several great stories from last year’s IMPACT Awards remind us of the gems in the workplace:

College Intern of the Year Cody Adams made significant contributions to Roche’s HR department. He was instrumental in the development of first annual summer …

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Behind the Scenes of the IMPACT Awards

The IMPACT Awards Luncheon was a great way to see some of Indiana’s brightest interns, professionals and companies. I had the opportunity to learn why Indiana is such a great place to work and intern.

Caroline Dowd-Higgins’ speech was very moving and inspired me to create my own career plan path. She stated that 70% of employees are disengaged and unhappy. This really spoke to me because I’ve always believed in finding a career I will love going to each day and where I can make a difference.  Her speech was relatable–stating that it’s okay to change your mind and that we are each a “work in progress.”

As an intern myself, it was great to listen to three different rock star interns’ (high school, college and nontraditional) success stories. It demonstrates the work you put forth in internships directly affects your career path, making it that much easier to land …

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How Interns Could Save Your Life

OK, so maybe interns can’t “save” your life, but they sure could improve it. Recently, the Wellness Council of Indiana teamed up with Indiana INTERNnet to better understand the positive affects interns can have on the workplace.

 Check out the five dimensions of wellness and how hosting student interns can boost each category.

Career well-being: how you occupy your time and liking what you do each day

Interns increase productivity: Interns bring needed resources to achieve what couldn’t otherwise be accomplished; from promoting the organization and gathering market intelligence to improving operation effectiveness and supporting client needs. Secure future employees: An internship program enables businesses to recruit, qualify, and train potential employees.

 Social well-being: having strong relationships

Interns are energetic, not only in their work, but also in their lifestyle. They can bring fresh ideas and a new perspective. Networking: Interns are engaged—they love to socialize …

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The Goodwill Indy Interns Outlet Adventure

This is a guest blog post from the Goodwill Good Stuff blog. Goodwill Good Stuff is a Goodwill blog that was created to inspire and encourage. . .and to be the trial and error documentation every thrifty-crafter should have available. Projects are dreampt up from Pinterest, shopper suggestions and ideas from other creative people. Supplies for projects are, as much as possible, found in central Indiana Goodwill stores. Have any project suggestions or want to show off your thrifty creations? Let us know at social@goodwillindy.org

Have you been to a Goodwill Outlet before? It’s an experience like no other. Goodwill Industries of Central Indiana has a couple of marketing interns this summer and, as any good coworker would do, I took them to a Goodwill Outlet store. It seemed necessary to make sure they had a fully-rounded Goodwill shopping experience before their internship came to an end.

The Goodwill …

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Internships Gone Viral

Virtual internships. They’re the bee’s knees, the cat’s pajamas, and the tiger’s spots. Virtual internships are not always considered by students or employers, but the obvious benefit is that it allows interns to work from anywhere. Interns who work remotely could be ideal for organizations that may not have the office space or personnel need for supervision.

What’s not to love? Some advantages of virtual internships include: flexibility, less limitations and more opportunities, and the chance to find a field which best suits you. If you’re a student interested in an internship, virtual gigs are perfect for someone with a part-time job, classes, or other obligations. Virtual internships give you flexibility to do your work when you want—as long as you know how to manage your time and are self-motivated. These internships may even save you money. You don’t have to dress up for work or use …

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