Tag Archives: marketing internship

Virtual Internship – INDEAL

Have you ever wondered what a virtual internship is like and how it works? Kristi Rubino from INDEAL found her virtual summer marketing intern, Emma Wright, through Indiana INTERNnet. In the video below, you’ll learn about Wright’s virtual internship and what Rubino thinks are the benefits of having a virtual internship.

This video was produced by Indiana INTERNnet’s summer 2017 intern, Emily Brooks.

Wes Wagner: Making an IMPACT

Indiana INTERNnet celebrated internship excellence on February 8, 2017, at the 11th Annual IMPACT Awards Luncheon. Though the event is over and the winners have been announced, we are continuing to celebrate the nominees’ successes.

These are their stories

Wes Wagner is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship and corporate innovation at Indiana University. Last year, he completed a digital marketing internship with Torchlite Marketing.


Indiana INTERNnet: How was your internship experience with Torchlite Marketing?
Wes Wagner: I started at Torchlite in February 2016 as a remote intern, worked in their temporary offices from May-August, and I resumed working as a remote intern until I left in October 2016. During my internship, the company went from 10 to about 25 employees and almost tripled their annual recurring revenue. It was a “rocket ship” to say the least!

My favorite aspects of my experience with Torchlite were the flexibility of my …

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There is Always a Bigger Picture

Brittany Ulman is currently a senior Creative Writing student at Ball State University with minors in Professional Writing & Emerging Media and Spanish. During her college career, Brittany took online summer classes and held an internship that counted for course credit, so she will be graduating a semester early in December of 2016. This summer, she was the marketing intern for International Floral Distributor’s Executive Director and was in charge of writing several press releases for IFD and its Flower Trends Forecast as well as working on various projects aimed at enhancing distributor services for IFD’s vendor partners.

The immediate effects of an internship are easily known; benefits such as gaining professional experience, learning more about a particular trade, obtaining various technical and communication skills, etc. can all certainly be acquired during an internship and oftentimes are the most common. However, there are also numerous other aspects of an …

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