Tag Archives: Mentorship

No. 1 Perk of an Internship

In the summer of 2012, I had just graduated with my MBA and was looking for my first big-girl job. I sent in my résumé to every job posting that I found online that fit my criteria. After a few months, I realized my efforts were futile. I had little marketing experience to penetrate the job market. I needed a place that would give me a fresh start and some hands-on training.

I was aware that internships are the new interview for a full-time job. I knew this applied to perhaps a larger company. In a small non-profit, I wasn’t as sure about the degree of this truth. Nonetheless, I knew the experience would be valuable no matter the size of the organization.

“I thought that building up my portfolio…was as good as it gets. Turns out, it gets better.”

When I started at Indiana INTERNnet in April 2013, …

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Taking Control of the Internship Experience

This is a guest blog by Molly Zweig. She is an Indiana University student majoring in International Studies and Spanish and minoring in Marketing and Portuguese. She plans to graduate in 2015.  This summer, she is the Marketing Intern at the WonderLab Museum of Science, Health and Technology in Bloomington. She works to promote WonderLab in many ways through traditional communications and marketing and social media.

One of the biggest challenges interns face is determining what exactly we’ll be doing at our internships.  You get a job description, but it’s hard to know until the end of the first week on the job if you’ll be truly contributing to the company or if you’ll be making copies and coffee.  However, whatever kind of internship you have, you always have control over your experience.

I am truly grateful for the wonderful work environment and my supervisor at the WonderLab Museum of Science, Health and Technology …

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Students: Why You Should Have a Mentor

Entry by Pat Patterson

Let’s say you are a basketball player and would like to take your game to the next level. Now, let’s say you have an opportunity to practice your jump shot on a regular basis with Larry Bird as your coach. Would you pass up that opportunity? Of course not.

Now, apply that same logic to your career. It doesn’t make much sense to pass up an opportunity to learn from a professional who has the career you aspire to have one day. That’s where mentors come into play.

Mentors provide career and personal growth coaching. If you want more information about a particular industry or are hesitant about pursuing a certain career, you can benefit from working with a mentor.

A mentor can assist you in the following areas:

Identifying career interests and goals Assessing your strengths and weaknesses Understanding a particular industry …

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