Tag Archives: professional style

Dress to Impress for Less

Earlier this year at one of Indiana INTERNnet’s intern engagement events, Pete the Planner explained that after graduation, you’re going to need to spend quite a bit of money to develop a professional wardrobe. You can’t show up to job interviews wearing oversized college sweatshirts, jeans and Converse shoes! But, what if you don’t have the money for a snazzy suit? Luckily, there are plenty of ways to find affordable and stylish options.

Thrift Stores
You can find many hidden gems at your local thrift store! Places like Goodwill offer a variety of men’s and women’s suit separates, dresses, shoes and ties. Since blazers are about $5, slacks are $4 and a full suit is $10, you may be able to afford alterations. Tailoring can totally transform your look and have people thinking you spent hundreds. Shh
your secret is safe with me!

Consignment/Resale Stores
Most of my professional …

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