Tag Archives: punctuality

Why It’s so Important to be Punctual

If you’re a spring intern, you’re likely just starting your position. As you get into the swing of things, it might be tempting to relax your sense of urgency. You’re expected to arrive at 8:30, but your arrivals start turning into 8:32, then 8:35…don’t let this happen! Spring internships have the potential to turn into something more. After spring comes summer, which means if you play your cards right, your employer could ask you to stay on as a summer intern. For those who are graduating in May, it could turn into an employment offer. So if you relax your standards, it could impact your likelihood of staying on!

“It’s just a few minutes…”

You might think that no one will care if you come in at 9:35 instead of 9:30, but tardiness has adverse effects. “If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re …

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