Tag Archives: studying

Study Tips for Fall Semester

While the semester might seem like itā€™s going alright at the moment, you know that feeling never sticks. Class has been in session for a few weeks now and most people have gotten into a routine. Then, something happens: you’re aware of an upcoming exam and donā€™t have the slightest clue how to study because you took the summer off. This is where I come in. Now that I’m in my sophomore year, I’ve gained my fair share of good and bad grades, which is why I want to encourage habits that will improve your grades.

DONā€™T put it off

You might think two weeks until an exam is a lot of time – it isnā€™t, I promise. When you consider other classes, homework, and life in general, studying for a future exam always seems to end up on the back burner. As soon as you know you have an …

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