Tag Archives: the office

Office Life in Five Gifs from ‘The Office’

Completing projects at your internship is one thing, but adapting to office life is a whole different story. It may seem like such a tiny detail in the bigger picture of your internship, but the small skills you learn through working in an office like communication, teamwork and time management will help you in your future career. Here are some tips and gifs from The Office to get you excited about living the office life!

There will be days that feel longer than others

Sitting at a desk for four to eight hours per day is a lot different than sitting in hour and a half lectures throughout the week. Some days will fly by, while others will drag on for a what feels like an eternity. If you find yourself getting distracted or burnt out, get up from your desk for few minutes. Taking a short break from …

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7 Ways “The Office” Relates to College Life

1 . Struggling through another PowerPoint presentation.

All professors have a different style of teaching. Some will write material on the dry-erase board, provide printed materials for you to follow along with, or utilize the magical PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoint is a great tool for classroom lectures, but you might only get half of your notes if you’re a slow writer. Professors may post these presentations for the class on Blackboard or Canvas. If not, students have resorted to taking photographs of the slides using their phones and later copying the information into their notes.


2 . Spending hours writing a paper and forgetting to click save.

This might have been the worst moment in Kevin’s life, spending all that time cooking the chili, bringing it to work, carrying it up the stairs only to spill it before anyone has a chance to taste it. The …

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