Tag Archives: tree

From Yard to Office

Johnny Slivka is an HR/Business Development Intern with Milliner & Associates. He will graduate from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business this year.

Following my senior year in high school, as some may say, I entered the real world. The first Saturday of the summer is where it all started.

My first day of work – not sports, not school – but real work. On this day instead of strapping up my cleats or tying my shoe laces, I was lacing up my boots and was ready to get after it. I was working as part of an installation crew planting trees. Some may not understand the process of planting a tree, but it’s very hard work. From digging the hole to moving the tree to cleaning up, it is all physically demanding.

Fast forward four years later and every day I can I’m lacing up my boots …

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