Tag Archives: Graduation Tips

Job-Ready Prep for College Students

Whether you are a bright-eyed freshman or a senior counting down the days until graduation, it’s never too late to learn the best techniques to prepare for the real world. And by real world, I mean the world outside of your dorms, where meal points disappear and your class schedule turns into a full-time work schedule.

When it’s time to transition from campus to career, students should understand that although a college degree can boost your earning potential and improve your resume, it is only a small part of the employment equation. Hiring managers look for applicants who not only have the skills necessary for the job, but also whether the applicant would be a good fit in their company culture. They look for professionalism, confidence, self-motivation and willingness to accept challenges. Many of these qualities aren’t a pre-requisite for your diploma, but are learned through practice and experience. Internships, …

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The Transition from College to Career

As a recent college graduate from a Big 10 university, I know how stressful and exciting those last few months of campus life can be. It’s a whirlwind of emotions.

In the middle of trying to take in all the sights and scenes before I left a place I called home for the last four years, I had to stop and consider what the next step was. Once I received my diploma, I was faced with the decision of whether to immediately start my career, attend grad school or take time to travel the world. But transitioning from a free-spirited undergrad to a professional with a bachelor’s degree was tougher than I thought!

My senior semester was dedicated to a lot of job applications and cover letters, but I didn’t have a full-time job waiting for me once I left Bloomington. I learned quickly that I didn’t have enough …

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Graduation in GIFs

May is the month of graduation! Students will proudly don their caps and gowns while hoping they don’t trip on the stage. Here’s a collection of GIFs to help prepare you for that special day.


The pride of completing your degree

The satisfaction of completing your degree is hard to beat. You’ve spent years attending classes, studying, working on projects and stressing over exams. Now, you’re hard work is being rewarded by a diploma. You should feel proud of yourself, graduating is a major accomplishment. As Kelly from The Office would say, “You’re, like, really smart now.”


Thinking about continuing your education?

This is a question you’re going to hear a lot when you graduate. “What is your next step?” “Are you considering graduate school?” It can be a difficult decision. You should weigh your options and decide what is best for you. If you’re like …

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