Tag Archives: IUPUI grad

My Journey with Indiana INTERNnet 

My journey with Indiana INTERNnet (IIN) started as a junior at IUPUI, searching for an internship. I was struggling to find an opportunity in the non-profit world that would allow me to remain financially stable. While EARN Indiana is a wonderful program to help students in similar situations, I was ineligible to receive the funds. It was fate that I found IndianaINTERN.net and its internship posting on the day of the application deadline. I immediately applied and came in for interview soon after.   

This was my first and only college internship. While I loved my time with IIN, if I could go back, I would have definitely participated in more internships. It might sound cliché but finding a job after graduation is challenging. Take my advice and try to gain as much experience as possible to increase your chances.  

During my internship, I wrote blog posts, managed social media and assisted with events. Unfortunately, my position came to an …

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