Tag Archives: marketing

From Medicine to Marketing: How Internships Changed My Mind

I enjoyed most subjects in high school—with the exceptions of physics and art.

Growing up, I had this idea that there were three main occupations that would bring the highest accolade: physician, lawyer, and engineer. When I had to choose a college major, I decided to pursue a pre-professional health track, since I was interested in biology. After taking an introductory course, I was smitten with psychology, and I quickly added it as a complementary major. By my junior year, I realized that my interest in the medical field was dwindling. I still enjoyed learning about the infinite complexity of living things, but I could not foresee myself living out the physician’s lifestyle. I loved watching House and Scrubs, but my interest stopped with TV.  This is why internships have been so critical in my career path.


The summer of 2010 brought along my first internship: Human …

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Employers: Recruiting Millennials

Entry by Pat Patterson

Before you pack up your materials to begin recruiting interns on college campuses, take some time to strategize how you will market your organization. More importantly, think about the characteristics of your target audience – Millennials, those born between 1977 and 1998. The more you know about Millennials, the more you can tailor your recruiting efforts to entice their interests. Here are some Key Characteristics of Today’s Adolescents:

Self-reliance – They believe that becoming successful is up to them, and they are not depending on others for help. Finding a good job is a priority. They are the young navigators. They must chart their own course and captain their own ship: “It’s up to me to create my own well-being.” They value personal experience and are prone to seek out critical thinkers. They are independent and emotionally and intellectually open. They strongly value individual rights: …

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Scrubbin’ Down and Sprucin’ Indiana’s “250-Acre House”

Entry by Courtney Sampson, Marketing and Communications Intern, Indiana State Fair

Rumor has it that we’re officially 432 hours away from opening day at the Indiana State Fair. Not that I’m counting or anything, but for those of you who lack math skills (like me), 432 hours = 18 days. Can somebody say, “eeeks?!”

Well, have no fear, Fair fans. For some employees around here, State Fair prep is down to a science! After all, when you work here for 10, 15, 20, even 30+ years, you get into the groove of things after awhile. When you’re an intern, you’ve got to pull yourself up by your bootstraps (flip-flops, in my case) and hang on for a fast-paced ride of a lifetime!

If you’re wondering what goes on pre-Fair, I’ve got a few pictures to share with you. My colleague, Kris Karol, snapped these shots late last week. Pretty soon, …

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How to Use Twitter for your Internship Search

Entry by Pat Patterson

In the July INTERNnetwork, I included some tips on how to use Twitter for marketing, networking, and research.  Here is a recap:

Some tips to build a professional Twitter profile:

– Use your real name,
– use a head shot photo as your profile picture,
– create a Twitter name that is appropriate and easy to remember,
– list a website for yourself – a professional profile such as LinkedIn, an online resume, an online portfolio, or your blog,
– customize your profile with a clean, professional design, and
– tweet about your interests, internship/career search process, articles related to your industries of interest, opinion on current events in your industries of interest, etc.

Besides acting as a marketing tool, Twitter is great for networking and conducting research.  Some tips on how to use Twitter to network and research:

– Follow individuals with similar interests,
– follow Twitter …

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