Tag Archives: posting tips

Internship Description Refresh

You’ve posted your internship onto IndianaINTERN.net, and you start waiting for the applications to roll in. However, after a few weeks you’ve yet to get a response. What could be going on?

If you find yourself in this predicament, the first place you should check is your internship’s description. Poorly written and vague descriptions leave students unclear of what your internship has to offer. Your internship’s description needs to clearly state what it entails and what type of student you are looking for. It should attract students to work for your company and leave them eager to apply.

Promote your organization

The description section of your internship is the perfect place to include details about your organization. Share some information about what your company does, where it’s located, any awards it may have received, etc. Really sell your organization to potential applicants.

In this section, you can also include information …

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