Tag Archives: thank you note

Thank You Notes at the End of Your Internship: Dos and Don’ts

An internship is often a student’s first foray into the professional world. Your internship is a big opportunity to make a great impression and gain professional connections. This means you’ll need to follow professional etiquette during your experience. Of course you’ll make some mistakes here and there, which is expected in your first professional experience. But even if you haven’t been paying attention to your etiquette during your internship, always make sure you at least do one thing: write a thank you note at the end!

Thank you notes might seem tedious, but they’re necessary. Your employer took a chance on you, hired you, and gave you real-world experience! A thank you note ensures you go out on a good note, and makes a lasting impression. If you already had your last day at your internship, that’s okay! Mail your note to your employer or supervisor.

Do: Write a sincere …

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Letā€™s Wrap It Up

Entry by Brittney Horn, Membership Intern, Greater Lafayette Commerce

And Iā€™m not talking gifts here people! Though the holidays are coming up quickly, for some of you that fateful time that your precious internship ends is looming in the near future as well. Yes, I know Iā€™m excited for all of the traditions I celebrate, but donā€™t let these last few weeks go by without accomplishing any work with your internship! These last few weeks are the time to make all of your hard work count by following these few tips:

Wrap up any projects/assignments you have. Please do not be that intern that leaves unfinished work left for a new intern to finish. Itā€™s hard enough on your first day at your internship and they really donā€™t need to be tidying up your leftovers. Get a recommendation letter. Any notable intern supervisor will gladly write you …

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Always Remember to Say Thank You

Entry by Pat Patterson

Just as your mother had advised when you were growing up, it is important to always say please and thank you.Ā  More specifically, after your summer internship is over, donā€™t forget to send a thank you note to your host organization.

The Intern Queen has some great advice for Thank You notes in her blog, I AM INTERN:

If you work for a small company and have been introduced to the president at one time or another, I do think you should send him/her a thank-you note along with another note to your direct supervisor and any other executives that have helped you over the summer. Below are a few quick Thank You note tips:

Either purchase your own stationary or go the store and pick up professional looking Thank You notes in the card section. Get something basic that says Thank You on the front …

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