Letā€™s Wrap It Up

Entry by Brittney Horn, Membership Intern, Greater Lafayette Commerce

And Iā€™m not talking gifts here people! Though the holidays are coming up quickly, for some of you that fateful time that your precious internship ends is looming in the near future as well. Yes, I know Iā€™m excited for all of the traditions I celebrate, but donā€™t let these last few weeks go by without accomplishing any work with your internship! These last few weeks are the time to make all of your hard work count by following these few tips:

  1. Wrap up any projects/assignments you have. Please do not be that intern that leaves unfinished work left for a new intern to finish. Itā€™s hard enough on your first day at your internship and they really donā€™t need to be tidying up your leftovers.
  2. Get a recommendation letter. Any notable intern supervisor will gladly write you a recommendation letterā€¦if you did your job. Ask your supervisor a couple weeks before your internship so they have enough time to write about how awesomely fantastic you were as an intern.
  3. Write a thank you letter. Express how thankful you are for ā€œXYZā€ company letting you be a part of their organization. A thank you letter can go a long way and can make you stand out from other interns. It doesnā€™t need to be the size of the last Harry Potter book, but just a short, to the point note that expresses your gratitude.
  4. Make copies of your work. Be sure to take a copy of anything you completed during your internship. Add these items to your portfolio, you deserve it!
  5. Finally, fix that resume. Donā€™t wait until you need to send out your resume again to update it. Update it as soon as you are done with your internship, or even in your last few weeks. This is when all of your tasks that you do will be fresh in your mind and you could even ask your supervisor to look over your resume to give you some tips.

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