What Inspires Me: My Mother’s Immeasurable Impact

Mother’s Day should be celebrated, not just one day out of the year, but every day. The most influential heroes are rarely the ones quoted in speeches or on Pinterest, but rather the silent ones that give their all and ask for nothing in return. For me, that unsung hero whose influence permeates every facet of my life is my mother.

I wish I could count the hours she stayed up at night worrying over me, but she does not keep a log of them. I wish I could point you to a display of all of her gold medals, but they do not give those out for best mom. I wish I could add up how much money she has spent raising me, but she is not one to keep receipts. I wish I could begin to understand how she passed on that last piece of pie because I really wanted it, but I have already eaten it. I wish I could tell you all her secrets, but I barely know half of them. I wish I could tell her how much she inspires me, but I cannot even begin to fathom the impact of someone who has known me longer that I have consciously known myself.

Her Energy

The Energizer bunny has nothing on my mom. When I come home from my internship, I have no interest in doing the dishes, picking up the living room, or going grocery shopping. Yet, day-in and day-out, she manages to make time out of thin air. I hope I get a copy of that big book of magic one day.

Her Patience

From potty training to homework help, my mom has calmly instructed and encouraged. Her patience is a bottomless well. No matter how many hurtful comments I mouth at her in the heat of an argument, she seems to forget all about them afterward. Her patience allows me to be patient, whether I am working methodically on a long project or dealing with frustrated customers.

Her Dreams

Within the past year, not only did my mother earn her master’s degree in education, but also completed the requirements for the certification in teaching college writing. Her perseverance coupled with her love of learning has ignited a passion in me as well. She bought me my first book and told me my first fairy tale. Now, she leads classes and inspires other young minds to seek a brighter future. When I was struggling to find a job, she was the one to suggest a marketing internship to me. As any kid would do, I dismissed the idea at first: what does mom know? Then, I came around, and as you already (and obviously) know, I applied and got hired by Indiana INTERNnet. Mother knows best.

Her Humility

I was trying to help my mom revamp her resume the other day. How do you summarize a lifetime into one piece of paper? She has always been my mother, but looking at this long list, my eyes were opened to the accomplished leader that has always been there.

I told a friend once that if I grew up to be half the woman my mother is, I would be happy. I was half-sincerely quoting an overused movie line back then. Today, I know better than to use that line because half seems ambitious by itself. So, I offer you this instead: embrace the inherited blessings and flaws, learn more than just her recipe for chocolate cake, and treasure every moment together. In some way, we are all interning at the institution of life.

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