enFocus Guest Blog Series: Part 2

In 2015, Indiana INTERNnet (IIN) began working with four regions in the state to enhance our statewide efforts. These regions were selected based on opportunity and previous interest in partnerships with IIN and educational institutions in the selected area. The selected regions include Northwest Indiana, North Central Indiana, Indianapolis and surrounding counties, and Southwest Indiana. enFocus, a non-profit organization focused on innovative ways prevent brain drain, is IIN’s North Central Indiana partner.


When I tell people that I moved from Chicago to South Bend I often get confused looks and questions as to why. However, in my past two years here I have grown to appreciate all that South Bend has to offer. Leaving Chicago pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and pop the ‘bubble’ that surrounded me from my hometown into college, fifteen miles north from where I grew up. Working with enFocus has provided me with a platform to encourage students to burst their own bubbles by exploring their communities through local internships. As employers, it is also important to create meaningful opportunities for interns as it can lead to students loving their experience and staying in the community. My main project at enFocus is promoting an internship ecosystem and the use of Indiana INTERNnet among students and employers in the region. It is a great resource to connect employers with skilled students who are actively searching for internships. In this second entry into our internship blog series, I will be detailing the basics of using Indiana INTERNnet for employers. To read the first entry, click here!

Indiana INTERNnet is a free internship matching platform for high school and college students across the state of Indiana. Their mission is to act as the catalyst for expanding the creation and use of experiential learning opportunities as a key strategy in retaining Indiana’s top talent. According to Foston & Hall (2014), only about 55% of Hoosiers stay in Indiana five years after graduation. The flight of young professionals from Indiana, also called ‘brain drain,’ is what Indiana INTERNnet hopes to combat. By providing students the opportunity to engage in high-quality and meaningful internships we can turn ‘brain drain’ into ‘brain gain’.

 Indiana INTERNnet is geared towards both students and employers. On the home page you will find an accessible way to start finding the perfect intern. There are over a dozen different industries in which you can post internship opportunities. No matter what skills you desire, there is a student who meets your needs. Currently, there are over 14,000 qualified students searching for an internship on Indiana INTERNnet. Because they come from a variety of institutions across Indiana, you will find a diverse set of skills and interests that students possess.

In order to start using Indiana INTERNnet, you must first create a user profile. In the upper right hand corner, you can click on ‘New User’ and fill out the New User Registration form with the appropriate information. Once you create your account, you will be able to access your organization’s workspace. From here, you can add internships, see what students have applied to your internship postings, search for interns, and manage your company’s profile. 

It is a simple three-step process to post internships to Indiana INTERNnet. Under your organization’s workspace, you can click on “Add” next to Internships. From there, select the appropriate categories, and title of your internship. Next, you will have to add the description, responsibilities, and qualifications of your internship.  Finally, choose skills that a successful intern applicant should possess.

Indiana INTERNnet is a great place to find talented and motivated individuals for your company. Under your organization’s workspace, there is an Advanced Intern Search. This tool generates a list of qualified student profiles based on keyword search and other criteria found on candidates’ resumes or work experience. If you would like to know more about a certain student, simply click ‘Learn More’ and the student profile will open with their education and contact information on the right hand side.

 Once you create your employer profile, you are free to explore all Indiana INTERNnet has to offer. For a deeper delve on how to use the platform, check out the how-to videos on the website or schedule an appointment to sit down and chat with us.

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