5 Takeaways from “Power Up; Stress Down”

Hattie Hynes is a Recruiting/HR Marketing Intern with Milliner & Associates. She will graduate from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business in 2019.

Through my internship with Milliner & Associates, I have access to many resources through the American Staffing Association (ASA), one of which is webinars on their website. These webinars are conducted by professionals around the nation who are experts on what they teach. From marketing and social media to employment law and employee engagement, these webinars offer a variety of content with wonderful advice for businesses and people alike.

The most recent webinar I watched was titled “Power Up; Stress Down.” Guided by Adam White, motivational speaker, this webinar covered a lot of great topics and had many great little nuggets of wisdom. While there were plenty of different things that I learned from Adam White, I wanted to share five takeaways:

  1. Knowledge is not power, applied knowledge is power!

I live in a generation that has an “a degree is enough” mentality, because that’s the world our parents lived in and have taught us to think. But the job market right out of college is becoming more competitive as the players get smarter
 they’re getting more internships, work experience and developing bigger networks at a younger age. A degree (knowledge) is great, but you’re more desirable when you show the world that you know how to apply it through real-world experience. So don’t just learn, APPLY!

  1. Confrontation creates change. You can’t change what you’re unwilling to confront.

I like to bow down when it comes to conflict. Anyone who knows me knows that I will be the first person to submit in an argument, agree with the other person and go their way. I hate conflict, and this is an area that I need to work on, because in order for anyone to stay happy, they need to be able to stand up for themselves and make changes to the things they don’t like.

  1. The ability to affect emotion is the ability to affect intellect.

Can you remember a time where someone persuaded you into doing something? Odds are, it wasn’t because they had good facts and figures, it’s because they sparked an emotion inside of you that made you want to do it. Affecting emotion is affecting intellect.

  1. The mere knowledge of how others view us causes us to take actions that are consistent with another’s perception of us.

It’s no secret that we form our identity around the people that we see every day and what they think of us. My friends have all generalized that I really like nachos, because I got really excited about nachos one time. Since they think that, I’ve started liking nachos more. The way other people see us causes us to change in ways that will make us consistent with what they think. The moral here is to be aware of what other people think of you and how it changes your behavior. Every now and then, do a self-evaluation to make sure you’re still who you want to be, not what everyone thinks you are.

  1. Your worst enemy is your own quick reaction.

How many times have you been in an argument and said something that you wish you hadn’t or didn’t mean to, or your reaction was too hysterical and wished you would have calmed down? Long question, short response. Just calm down! Take 10 breaths before you respond to something and think about the situation from a different angle. Trust me, it’ll help.

I know my head was packed with thoughts after listening to Adam for an hour. Just remember to apply your knowledge, be willing to confront things, affect emotion before intellect, be aware of how other people’s perceptions of you change your behavior and breathe!

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