Three Tips for Working a Hybrid Internship

In this new era of virtual jobs and remote learning, it’s crucial to find new ways to stay focused. I speak from experience when I say that having a hybrid internship comes with tons of perks, like wearing sweatpants or spending the day with your pet, but it’s key to stay on top of your work. The comfort of home quickly can distract you from your weekly tasks, but we’re sharing a few pointers that will help you to keep your momentum while working from home.

Have a dedicated workspace
This may seem arbitrary to some, but the truth is, where you do your work matters. An article by the American College of Healthcare Sciences indicates that if you do most of your work in bed, you will have trouble sleeping at night. Our bodies are trained to associate sleep with our beds. When you begin using your bed as a work desk, however, your body will transition to thinking that bed is where work gets done. This will result in lower quality sleep and less sleep altogether.

Time management (of course)
The most obvious of all strategies related to getting work done is time management – whether that entails getting a planner, utilizing your calendar app to its full potential or even opting for sticky notes. Time management looks different for everyone. The trick to staying on top of everything outside of the office is to set specific goals for things that must get done before you “clock out.” You can even go a step further and commit to specific times that tasks need to be done and hold yourself accountable. By practicing these methods, you can save yourself from double the workload if/when you return to the office later that week. Time management is a great skill to master during your internship because it’s a quality almost every job requires.

Take breaks
Staring at a computer screen for roughly eight consecutive hours doesn’t benefit you or your employer, so take a break! Of course, it’s all about moderation – commit to a small break to rejuvenate and then hop right back into it. The beauty of working from home is that you are surrounded by things that bring you joy and inspire you; use them to your advantage. Seize small breaks as an opportunity to spark inspiration, grab a snack or play with your pet. Taking the time to do things that generate happiness will show through in your work and lead to a better work-life balance.

While in-office days are slightly different, staying true to your typical routine for in-office days while at home will help to keep you on track. Take smaller breaks throughout the day, for example, and commit to breaking for your lunch at the time you would if you were physically in the office. That way, your day is broken up the same way. Hybrid internships are designed to promote flexibility, not to make transitioning back to the office harder. Ensure you’re instilling behaviors at home that can also translate to the office.

The world of remote work can be tricky to navigate, especially if you’re still required to be in office partially during the week. Adopt these helpful tips now, so you can maintain a healthy work ethic no matter where you are!

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