Category Archives: Young Professionals

How to Succeed in a Phone Interview

Last week I gave the best advice I had for an in-person interview. If you missed it or need a refresher you can read it here. While I know that not everyone will have to experience a phone interview, they are becoming more popular and I want to make sure that if you have one, you’re as prepared as possible.


Just because you aren’t going into an office doesn’t mean that you can just go into it without any preparation. Like any interview, you should be researching the company and starting to get familiar with what the company does, who works for the company, and who is going to be interviewing you. Knowing some of these key elements and mentioning them in your interview could really set you apart from other candidates. You can even use being in a remote location to your advantage and keep a page of …

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Beyond the Impact: Gabriella Blauert

Gabriella (Moline) Blauert graduated from Butler University in May with a degree in journalism and moved to Columbus, Ohio. She’s currently working as the Marketing and Communications Coordinator at Pelotonia, a non-profit organization in Columbus whose proceeds go toward cancer research.


Indiana INTERNnet: What are some of the best lessons you learned while interning?

Gabriella Blauert: My internships provided me with opportunities to practically apply the skills I learned in class. I learned how to utilize these skills, while also managing my time effectively. Another important lesson I learned was how to interact in different job settings and how to present myself in a professional way in each one.


IIN: What advice do you have for current interns?

GB: I would tell current interns to not be afraid to go to their supervisor or mentor with big ideas or questions they have. One of the most important …

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How to Succeed in an In-Person Interview

When starting off your professional career, interviews are going to become a lot more common than you would hope for. Preparing for an interview and knowing how to set yourself up for success isn’t as easy as everyone makes it out to be. Here are some steps to take when preparing for an interview. 

A few days before 

Interview preparation should start as soon as possible. You should start with researching the company. This is a great way to get ideas about what the company is doing and where they are headed. Bringing up some key elements during the interview will really help set you apart from other candidates. Start with the company’s website. Learn about the goals, missions, and future plans for the company, which will help you get an idea of what you could be getting involved in. Now is also a good time to prepare for how …

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How to Dress for Your Internship

It can be challenging starting off your professional career and knowing what the dress code is for every event or meeting. What you wear to interviews, meetings and even daily in the office can make an impact on how others view you. Navigating what is appropriate and expected isn’t always the easiest which is why I am here to help give you advice most people don’t think about.

Interviewing and starting your job

Most know that you should dress for the job you want. This means looking the part for the interview. Walking in with a nice and professional outfit will not only help you make a great first impression but will help you create a strong reputation within the office. Take note on your first couple of days to see what other people are wearing. It’s important to look nice, but you should avoid standing out for looking too …

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How to Come Back Productive After a Break

Whether it’s a three-day weekend or a full week off, breaks during school are always needed and always celebrated. Breaks throughout the semester are great ways to regroup and relax, but getting back into a school routine can get pretty tough. Learning how to come back after a break and staying on top of things is important. While you should reward yourself and take a few days off, when it gets closer to class starting back up again, you should start getting in the right mindset.

Relax and reward yourself

Every break is a chance to release some of the stress from school and give yourself time to relax. Make sure to take the time you need to unwind and refresh. It could be staying in bed all day or spending the day shopping, do something that you have been wanting to do. Taking enough time off will actually have …

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How to Recover After a Bad Grade

Not every test you take is going to give you the grade you wanted or expected. Life can get crazy, and sometimes not everything goes as planned. When you receive a grade that isn’t what you were hoping for, it can seem like everything is going wrong and that you will never be able to bounce back. I am here to debunk that myth and give some tips on how to overcome a bad grade.

Learn from it

The biggest take away from getting a bad grade is that you can learn so much from it. If you studied and still got a bad grade, maybe its time for some new study habits. If you are in need of some study tips you can check out my past blog here. This grade also gives you an insight into where you need to focus more time.

Don’t dwell

Getting a bad …

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How to Survive Midterms

It’s that time again
midterms! I know no one is ever excited about all the projects and exams coming up, but going in with a clear mindset can help you make the best of what is to come. Whether this is your first college midterm season or last, you can never be too prepared.

Stay healthy

This might just be something that is common at my university but by the time midterms come around, everyone is super sick. It might just be the weather or how stressed everyone is, but it feels like you can’t take an exam without 10 people sneezing and sniffling every 15 seconds. There is nothing worse than trying to take a challenging exam when all you want to do is go back to bed because you don’t feel good. Make sure you are doing all the precautions like washing your hands, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, …

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What To Do If Your Internship Isn’t The Best

Recently, Allison wrote a blog post about what to do if an intern isn’t doing their best. I think we should also talk about what to do if your internship experience isn’t the best. Unfortunately, even though every internship posted on our site must be approved by a staff member, some internships are not what you were hoping they would be.

Remember it’s temporary

Internships are great because they are only temporary, which allows you to see what work environments you do or don’t like. Some days will be harder than others, but remember that you don’t have to be there forever. Take every opportunity you can to learn and network as much as you can. Just because you don’t like the place you are at doesn’t mean the experience is a waste of time.

Don’t burn any bridges

You might think that because you’re “just an intern” you can …

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Intern Spotlight: Laura Knight

Hello, my name is Laura Knight. I am a senior at Indiana University, majoring in Policy Studies with a focus in Criminal Justice. I previously majored in Social Work at Ivy Tech Community College before transferring to IUPUI. My current major will allow me to pursue policy advocacy and research, while keeping the door open to graduate school or law school.

Before Ivy Tech & IUPUI, I attended high school in Wapakoneta, Ohio. This is a small town nestled in northwestern Ohio, where Drive Your Tractor to School Day was a regular, yearly event. During this time in my life I was involved in French club, Spanish club, cross country and track, and a rabbit breeder with 4-H. After high school I attended Ohio Dominican University for a short while, quickly recognizing collegiate studies was not a focus for me in 2008.

As a non-traditional student, I’ve …

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Study Tips for Fall Semester

While the semester might seem like it’s going alright at the moment, you know that feeling never sticks. Class has been in session for a few weeks now and most people have gotten into a routine. Then, something happens: you’re aware of an upcoming exam and don’t have the slightest clue how to study because you took the summer off. This is where I come in. Now that I’m in my sophomore year, I’ve gained my fair share of good and bad grades, which is why I want to encourage habits that will improve your grades.

DON’T put it off

You might think two weeks until an exam is a lot of time – it isn’t, I promise. When you consider other classes, homework, and life in general, studying for a future exam always seems to end up on the back burner. As soon as you know you have an …

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Career Fair Survival Guide for Students

It’s that time again! School has been in session for a little bit now, you are in a routine, and things seem okay. Then, it hits you. The smell of free swag, pamphlets, and the feeling of uncomfortable conversations overcome you. Yep. That’s right. It’s career fair time. It’s no secret that a lot of people try to avoid career fairs because they either don’t want to put in the effort of dressing professionally, networking, or just going through the whole process of what a career fair really entails. I am here to prove that myth wrong.  Fun fact: career fairs can be used for more than just class credit and free stuff!  Career fairs are a really great way to see amazing possibilities that could lead to future careers. It is a time to network in an environment designed for you.

Career fairs can be scary, but I have …

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What I’ve Learned Outside the Classroom

If you’ve been keeping up with my blog posts throughout the summer (and now into the fall) you’ll see that I often mention how so much learning happens outside of the classroom. Internships, for example, allow students to be a part of the workforce and get hands-on experience before they graduate. While I understand the important roles school and education play in our lives, it should be noted that learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom.

You’re dressed, but is it to impress?

While in college you’re basically able to show up in whatever you want. Interning is different. You don’t get to have comfy days with t-shirts and sweatshirts. While you’re at work, you must follow the dress code every day. This also applies for interviews and beyond. Make sure that everyone who sees you can tell that you’re there for a reason.

The handshake

It wasn’t until …

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Achieving Work-Life Balance

At 19, I didn’t think I would have to understand what this whole “work-life balance” thing really is. But I’ve learned not every day is a piece of cake. It’s better to know that now, instead of thinking everything is going to be exactly how you want it to be. Some days are easier than others, but that’s just how life goes. Balancing 18 credit hours, an on-campus job, and an internship hasn’t been the smoothest thing, but I’ve slowly established a routine. I know I’m not the only student going through something similar and wanted to share some lessons I learned throughout this process.

Accept the Bad Days

Sometimes life just gets in the way and nothing is how you planned. That’s okay! There are two things I like to remember on bad days. First, you’ve survived 100 percent of your previous bad days. Second, you never have to …

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The Power of Social Media

It’s no secret that social media has slowly become a part of our everyday lives. Between snapping pictures and finding new memes, social media can hold a lot of power when it comes to finding your next internship or job.

It’s important to keep your profiles clean because you never know who could come across what you’re posting. You need to realize that companies want the right people representing them. This means watching what you say, being aware of who you follow and interact with, and being careful about what types of pictures you’re posting. Some people think making fake profiles under different names is safe, but the accounts can still be connected back to the real owners.

While it might seem fun to make that post now, it could cost you a job offer in the future. It’s okay to enjoy your youth and have fun, but some activities …

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Extending Your Internship

This summer has flown by and before I knew it my supervisor was asking about evaluations and scheduling meeting times to wrap up my internship. I was already sad at the idea of leaving such an amazing work environment, but all good things come to an end, just maybe not as soon as I thought.

Staying as an intern allows for more opportunities to stay and gain more knowledge. I know a lot of people fall in love with their internship and hope for an extended stay. I came up with a list of things that I think will help you get noticed by coworkers and supervisor that shows you’re interested in staying longer.

Be willing to work

If you want to stay on at a location, then you obviously must like what you are doing. If you want to be asked to stay a for another interning period, then …

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